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YoY Weekly trend visualizations drops (beginning and end)


Level 3

Hey ACC!

Quick question regarding trend visualizations with granularity set to weekly.

When I do a fiscal-year-to-date comparison the prior year (FYTD 2018) also begins from 0 and the current year (FYTD2019) always ends at zero (see screen shot). This gives the illusion to our leadership that we are suddenly plummetting at the end of the year when this is inaccurate. How do I eliminate the year-end (and year-beginning) drastic drops?

Screen Shot 2019-06-05 at 9.41.45 AM.png

I'm able to do it in a monthly view when I limit max items to 11, but I cannot do this in the weekly granularity as the limit max items function caps out at 25 (~6 months). It's important for our leadership to have a weekly view. If there is not a solution perhaps I should put in a request to increase the cap to 52 (~1 year worth of weeks).

I've also tested creating an additional freeform table to hide and creating a timeframe and removing days/weeks  (inconvenient option), but this still doesn't work - the drops still persist.

Any help would be helpful!

Thanks in advance!


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