My name is John Wight and I help document Analytics and CJA APIs for Adobe. I've noticed many helpful contributions in this community so I am hoping to ask a favor. Would you be willing to share your typical process for using an Adobe Analytics API and integrating it into your work flow? I am keen on knowing the order of user's flows and tasks and the tools they use in each step of that flow.
For example, are you likely integrating it into a script (such as python)? Is the process like the one listed below? I am only guessing in this flow:
1. You get a request to make a reporting feature from Analytics appear programmatically in a third party viewer.
2. You review the available endpoint functions for Analytics APIs.
3. You view the endpoint swagger to get a sense of the data structure or call structure.
4. You review an endpoint guide, if available, to get a sequence and a more specific example of what can be, or what is typically, called.
5. Make a test call in Swagger.
6. Use either swagger or the guide for reference in structuring the call in your script editor.
7. Use your script with the desired third party tool.
I honestly don't work around people using our own APIs for real applications, so I don't know the answer to this. I would love to hear all many scenarios and services you use it for. If this is your workflow for integrating an Analytics API, or if it is a different set of steps, I would love to know and follow up with a few more questions.
Thank you for any consideration and time you take to help. Your comments will be used to optimize our documentation for presenting information efficiently and completely.
John Wight