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Use of useBeacon is showing cancelled network calls


Level 1

Hello All,



I have taken on a project where custom codes were used liberally to do the implementation. It was discovered that the cancelled beacon were alleviated when a 3 second delay was added to the rule. This was a recommendation from Adobe Support at the time. However, now we have a 3s delay when users click our links and we still the cancelled beacons on this rule. 


Now our goal is to address the root cause and the method we are looking to employ is the useBeacon method. The issue is - even with useBeacon method being set to "true" on the Adobe Extension, we are seeing the beacons getting cancelled during testing. 


I would like to know ways I can troubleshoot to see why the useBeacon method is failing and what I can do to avoid the cancelled beacons. 






4 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @YohanKh1 ,

 Would it be possible to share Public Site URL, CTA in reference and steps to reproduce the cancelled beacon call scenario.




Level 1

Hi @abhinavpuri I can share the public URL to your DM to alleviate privacy concerns. However, the library that we have enabled the useBeacon method is in Dev still. I can however take screenshots and provide proof of this happening. 


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @YohanKh1 

If you can share the Public URL (DM me), I will try to check on console but setting s.useBeacon = true prior to performing click interaction.

(Assuming AppMeasurement is being used with "s" tracker as Global Object)


Community Advisor

Hi @YohanKh1 

when exactly are you setting the useBeacon attribute? By any chance, can you add a screenshot of the network tab with the cancelled requests?

Also, what happens when you open a CTA in a new tab (press Ctrl/Command when clicking). Is the request in that case going through?


And are you removing the delays as well when you implement the beacon?

Cheers from Switzerland!