My question is that how we can track Adjusted Bounce Rate in Sitecatalyst.
I was searching on net to know how we can track ABR through Adobe Sitecatalyst. However, what I learnt is that through creating a segment which contains the following rules.
Include all visits where time spent on page is less than 20 seconds Exclude all visits where path length is greater than 1
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15806732/how-to-get-adjusted-bounce-rate-in-omniture-sitecatalyst...
I tried applying these rules through a segment in Sitecatalyst. However, I was still struggling with the output I was getting as it didnt seemed correct.
When we apply 1st condition (time spent on page is less than 20 secs), I dont get correct bounce rate. The bounce rate goes to 0%. Secondly, the page length condition...., page length isnt available in the report list at the time of creating segment.
Creating segment isnt helping me to get correct bounce rate I am looking for. However, I wonder if creating a custom event would help track ABR (Adjusted Bounce Rate) separately.
A custom event called as Adjusted Bounce (counter metric), which will fire only if anyone spends less than 20 secs on a page and if some one initiate a single page visit.