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Tagging on client-server Apps


Level 1

Dear community,

I have a client-server application that I want to tag. It is not a web app, so my concern is, If it is possible to implement Analytics in this kind of applications.
Thank you so much in advanced for your support.

4 Replies


Community Advisor

You can send data to AA via the Data Insertion API or the Bulk Data Insertion API. See https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/import/c-data-insertion-api.html?lang=en

The Data Insertion API lets you send data one hit at a time. So that's similar to how hits from web pages are sent.

The Bulk Data Insertion API lets you collect all of your hits into one single batch, which are then sent at one shot to AA, usually as a CSV file.

Both methods should work for you, and it probably depends on which one your developers prefer. 


Level 10

Could you let us know what is the exact application. Does it has a web view as you mentioned a client? 


If not the main issue would be to track the unique visitors via data insertion API. I have done an implementation once that did not involve a web view so it was all server side and I initially failed to choose the right type of ID to be used as Adobe Visitor ID.


Level 1

It is for banking operations for example ATMs or Agents' system in the Bank. We use a service for identity identification and we need to Tag the performance of that service


Level 10

We use a service for identity identification and we need to Tag the performance of that service


If the service is only server side then data insertion API would be the best approach here:


providing you do not have AEP but only Adobe Analytics. As mentioned the main point to nail correctly is choosing the right visitor ID as any segmentation will rely on container of visitor --> visit --> hit in that order. 


I wrote this a while back hopefully it would be useful to you: https://github.com/alcazes/Adobe-Analytics-from-A-To-Z/wiki/Data-Insertion-API-for-Adobe-Analytics.


Having said all that I believe application like DataDog or Splunk would be best suited to monitor/track the performance of a server side application.