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Repeat Visitor (90 Days)


Level 6



I'm trying to come up with a way to easily show when a visitor sees a specific URL and then comes back to that same URL in 90 Days. I think this is the right way to think about my segment? My question is though, is there an easy way that I can show this for Repeat Visitors by Month, Week, etc. granularity? In other words, if I take this segment and then expand my date range in freeform and add month as a dimension, is that a problem? Is this just going to look at visitors that did this at any point in time based on the segment and then sum up the users for that month (whether they did it that month or not?) If so, how can I alleviate that? Or am I going to have to do this in Downstream DB and SQL?





1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

So if you really want the page views of that page (in this scenario), I would create a hit based segment with a Visitor Container inside of it...


So I did a simple:



    Page equals X







    Page equals X



        Page equals X

        THEN after 1 visit but within 90 days

        Page equals X






I can see that my date range is still constrained by Last Month, and that my Hits and UVs for the Page is higher than the "repeat" segment.


If I were to break it down by page, you will see I am limited to just that page (and not all pages from all visitors/visits where the visitor met the criteria):




Is this more what you are looking for?


Keep in mind, only the hits to the Page that fall within the panel range are included here... 


View solution in original post

12 Replies


Level 6

Here is the workspace.




Level 6

And also to get the repeat visitor (%) of the original page.




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

First off, do you does it matter if the page is in the same visit? Or it should be after the initial visit but within 90 days?


Also, are you trying to pull ALL content for the users in that scenario, or do you need a smaller scale (just trying to figure out if the overall scope is correct... while you will need Visitor scope somewhere, I am trying to determine if it should be at a container level within a small scoped segment (depending on what you are trying to do with the segment).



However, have you considered using a cohort table instead of a segment?


Where the entry criteria is your page, and the return criteria is the same page... then you can choose a granularity...


Level 6

Hi @Jennifer_Dungan,

I changed it to be "after 1 visit" but "within 90 days". I'm trying to look at all UVs for that page for the month in 1 column, then in another column see how many repeat visitors happened in a given month with a lookback window of 90 days from that month to see if they saw that page prior within 90 days (and I guess after 1 visit so as to not have page refresh or back and forth, etc.).


The breakdown dimension would be month and then I want to take a percent of both columns to get "% of repeat Visitors from total UVs" for a given month.


I think you might have mentioned in the past that the date range in the panels of the workspace can conflict with the segment "Then...after....but within".


I was wondering if there is a way to solve this.




Correct answer by
Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

So if you really want the page views of that page (in this scenario), I would create a hit based segment with a Visitor Container inside of it...


So I did a simple:



    Page equals X







    Page equals X



        Page equals X

        THEN after 1 visit but within 90 days

        Page equals X






I can see that my date range is still constrained by Last Month, and that my Hits and UVs for the Page is higher than the "repeat" segment.


If I were to break it down by page, you will see I am limited to just that page (and not all pages from all visitors/visits where the visitor met the criteria):




Is this more what you are looking for?


Keep in mind, only the hits to the Page that fall within the panel range are included here... 



Level 6

Hi @Jennifer_Dungan,


I think I understand the 2nd statement logic.


However, for this part:


    Page equals X



        Page equals X

        THEN after 1 visit but within 90 days

        Page equals X




Isn't the visitor portion of the segment going to look at any point across all history outside of the panel date range (in your example, it could be within or outside of Dec. 2024. For example, let's say a user sees page X in Oct 2023 and then again in Nov 2023 (within 90 Days) and they see the page in Dec. 2024 (but nothing within 90 days prior), it would still count that as a repeat visitor, even thought I'd only want it from the date dimension and/or panel point in time.

Does that make sense?




Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Yeah, it's a bit odd... it should look at repeat hits within the 90 day time frame, but only the hits within the panel range will be shown...


So unlike adding an actual "Last 90 Days" range inside the segment (which will supersede the panel date range, and show the report based on the last 90 days, the report will still only show you the specified range (in my example, "last month")... but the logic will be based on the last 90 days....


You could make your panel and segment match... so if you are interested in the last 90 Days, use that for your panel range as well.



The difference between adding an actual date range into your segment, and using the "within" logic, is that the actual date range forces overrides the panel date range, whereas the "within" only affects the matching criteria but not the report.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Actually, scratch that... when I increase my panel range to 90 Days, Dec 1 did increase a bit... I suspect because the initial clause (the hit on Page X) must be within the panel range.... 


I would suggest matching your panel and logic to 90 days to safely catch all the instances.


Level 6

Hi @Jennifer_Dungan,

So the UVs for a given page by month based on panel date range makes complete sense to me and is straightforward. What I'd like to know is to get repeat visitors, I want to know if the panel is Jan - Dec 2024 and i breakdown by month and I have the segment above, is it going to give me the hits on those days for a given month and then look back 90 days from each of those hits? Or is the visitor container of the segment going to override that logic and just look across any point in history (could be years prior) and that would add +1 to UV?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Since Adobe changed the logic of the Visitor segment (they deny it, but I have proof, lol).. the Visitor logic looks only at the panel range, not the entire history of the user.


I believe that the "within" still will look at the full period, but if the initial hit is outside the panel range, it may not be included.


Level 6

Hi @Jennifer_Dungan,


Got it. So for that segment and the panel date range, if the date range starts with Jan 1., it actually won't look at 90 days prior to that because the segment is restricted to the date range itself completely?


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

While I can't say for sure all the logic that is happening... when I looked at "Last Month" which was Dec 2024, the I changed the report to "90 Days" worth of data... the numbers increased on Dec 1.... 


So that's pretty clear that not all the data was getting through...