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Mismatch in the Visits counts


Level 2

Hi Team,

I am trying to work on one of the reports, where we are using a dimension, ALL VISIT segment against the metric Visits. Also im using few segments along with the all visit dimension. So when we combine all this segments it should be equal to the all visit dimension.
Example : ALL VISIT is a standard segment from Adobe. Segment 1 to segment 10 are different segments that have a count of certain visitors. when we sum up all these segments, it is greater that the all visit count.
NOTE: In all this 10 segments there are no duplicates.
So when i combine all this segments from 1 to 10 it should be equal to all visits, instead it is more than ALL VISITS. Can i know what could be the different scenarios of this visits mismatch. 

Screenshot 2024-10-18 113754.png


10 Replies


Adobe Champion

Hey @UdayashriGo ,

Are you using Visitor container in your segment definition? Because that is going to return all visits by visitors lying in that segment which is going to inflate the number of visits you are looking to query. Maybe try to use hit level container for more accuracy.

If not, let's see what @Jennifer_Dungan has to say of the matter since she is the segment expert here!







Level 2

Hi Isha,

Thankyou for the reply. We are already using hit level in the segments.


Adobe Champion

And you have eliminated the possibility of segment overlap? Can you try to breakdown All Visits with dimension you are segmenting on? Is it giving you same result? Or just try to apply segment on top of visits using All Visits and observe the results?


Community Advisor

Maybe see if a Venn diagram shows overlaps on the segments?

Cheers from Switzerland!


Level 2

Hi @bjoern__koth Thanks for the reply. Tried Venn diagram , There is no overlap when compared All visits with the segments visit count. Clearly signifies there is a discrepancy in the "ALL VISITS". Is there way we can check how the all visits are contributing. By legacy definition we can understand, it is All visitors to the site. Thankyou


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Weighing in here... 


Can we get some more details about your Segment definitions so that we can try to replicate your issue?


As @igupta said, I also suspect overlap...


If your segments are HIT based, I don't see how you wouldn't have overlap at the visit level (unless every single visit was a single hit... which is extremely unlikely).


While your HITs might be isolated from one another:





   Page equals home





    Page equals section





    Page equals detail

^ the hits won't overlap



But a Visit that looks like:


  • Home
  • Section
  • Detail
  • Section
  • Detail
  • etc


All three segments will count against the VISIT (and adding up those Visits will create an inflated total)


    Page View Visits
Segments   5 3
  Home Segment 1 1
  Section Segment 2 1
  Detail Segment 2 1


Keep in mind that when you breakdown using Segments, stacking metrics like Visits and Unique Visitors are not de-duplicated... the total because a simple "column sum". Unlike using a dimension as your breakdown:


    Page View Visits
Pages   5 1
  Home 1 1
  Section 2 1
  Detail 2 1




Hi @UdayashriGo  Did you find the suggestions helpful? Let us know if you need any further information! If the solution works for you, please mark the answer as correct to help others. And if you’ve found your own solution, we’d love for you to share it with the community. Thank you!


Level 2

In this dashboard , we are trying fix the visit mismatch.

In here we have 12 segments region wise, and these visits are compared against the ALL Visits. When compared, ideally this should be equal.
However , we tried with many approaches and still are unable to identify where the bug is and why arent these visits matching.

ALL Visits - 3639037
Segments Visits - 3714895

we are getting a difference of 70k visits difference segments.


SO Im using 12 different segments

Segment Definition:


At hit level using 2 conditions in one container

Dimension equals to anyof (xyz, abc, stu, vwx........)

Similarly there are 12 different segments upto segments 12.

So when we are breaking down this ALL VISITS , with this 12 segments against visits metrics, The count of all visits should be equal to this 12 segments visits count. and all these segments are created from the same same report suite.


Level 2

Hi @Jennifer_Dungan , Thanks for the reply, 

SO Im using 12 different segments

Segment Definition:


At hit level using 2 conditions in one container

Dimension equals to anyof (xyz, abc, stu, vwx........)

Similarly there are 12 different segments upto segments 12.

So when we are breaking down this ALL VISITS , with this 12 segments against visits metrics, The count of all visits should be equal to this 12 segments visits count. and all these segments are created from the same report suite.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

What dimension are you using... if you can share that... I get that you are looking for some set values...


But this doesn't necessarily mean at VISIT level everything is separate (only at the HIT level).


Without having proper details about what you are doing we cannot replicate or dig into the issue.