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Is there any template for audit


Level 4


Commonly we do audit using SDR, but then if they not maintained the proper SDR , where can we start with.

Is there any template for Tags review or Can anyone tell how the structure or how it goes?



3 Replies


Community Advisor


I think you can start by creating a SDR if there is none available as proper documentation is always the output of an audit.

I would start by mapping the evars, props, events from the report suite. Next step would be to get hold of a stakeholder who can inform which reports does the business look into and ask them what variables are used in the reports and what information do they collect. Making sure that data is properly collected would become the first step.


Next step would be, if there are still variables which have not been identified in terms of data they collect, then look into the values getting captured in them and try to map as per the data you see. Once you have a fair understanding of data, reach out to a stakeholder to validate the mapping.


There is no set templae for audits. What makes sense for one setup might not make sense for another.





Level 10

The previous reply pretty much covers it. 

To do an audit or proper QA, you need to know what is expected. As indicated previously, this starts with documentation. If there is no documentation or bad documentation, how can you know what is right? The answer is, you can't.

At the end of the day, the Business needs to decide who is responsible for knowing and documenting. If that is now you, you can try the Dev or Tag Manager person who did the tagging. They can likely help you understand what they did and why (if they are still around). The product manager could also be of some help.

As suggested, you can try to create your own "as built" documentation by going through the pages in question using Fiddler, Adobe debugger. or other such tool. I've had to do this more than once. That still does not tell you if what you see is being sent is correct. And depending on the quantity and complexity of the tracking, this could be a massively time consuming task.

Here is the information I always ask for when documenting each variable. This is a close as I can come to a template.
   Description of the data
   Format of the Data
   Example values
   Data rules
   Who/what decides the values in the variable
   How the values are set


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

I agree with the above, without proper documentation there is no way to know what should be expected... 


How can you test if something is collecting data correctly if you don't know what the expected data should be?


I did an Adobe Webinar last year that you might find helpful:

