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How do you find evidence of Multi-Suite Tagging?


Level 3

We have been incurring secondary server calls and a support representative recently suggested that it was not the result of VISTA rules. Where can we check if we have any level of multi-suite tagging? We are under the impression that we do not use multi-suite tagging, and that we instead use global and virtual report suites.


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3 Replies


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

This can be hard to track down... are the secondary calls high (as in close in numbers to your primary calls)? Or low (as in a small subset of secondary calls are coming in)?


We got rid of most of our secondary calls 10 years ago, but I still have small numbers coming in... I suspect they are coming from old cached pages somewhere out there that people are still managing to find... This is something I haven't fully been able to track down either, but the numbers are low enough that it hasn't been a priority investigation at this time for us....


However, if you can first identify the scope of the issue (low should mean that the issue is fairly isolated... old cached pages, or maybe old pages that haven't been updated), high would mean it's likely all over the place.


I assume you have access to your Server Call logs and can see which suites are getting secondary calls.. Hopefully the secondary calls are on suites that are no longer in use... if they are your primary suites, how well do you know the history of those sites... do you know which other suites may have been in use with those sites so that you can check those old suites and try to isolate the pages or calls that are being made....


Level 3

Secondary server calls are low compared to primary server calls, but they've more than doubled in frequency somewhat recently. Also, the server call usage page indicates that our annual budget for secondary server calls is 0.


We have isolated the secondary server calls to a specific branch of URLs on our primary report suite but they're secure pages that I'm not credentialed for. I'm pursuing that, but just wanted to see if there was anywhere else, maybe in report suite manager, that we could see what's happening.


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Ok, so it sounds like there may be a few pages (that branch of URLs you mentioned) may have some old code that is sending to multiple suites.


Having a budget of 0 Secondary Calls just means that you get charged the Primary Call rate for any Secondary Calls.


We have the same thing.. years ago, before Virtual Suites, we had a budget of secondary calls in our contract, and that meant the primary calls accounted for a weight of "1" and secondary calls accounted for "0.5". When we started shirting into Virtual Suites, the budget for secondary calls was dropped, so even though it's reported as a "secondary call" in your logs, it will be charged as a primary call in your contract.