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AA Bulk Data insertion API vs SFTP


Level 3

hi, is there a documentation on how to SFTP to Adobe rather HTTP(via Bulk insertion API), for file size is concerned?


https://analytics-collection.adobe.io/aa/collect/v1/events/validate Although doc here-https://developer.adobe.com/analytics-apis/docs/2.0/guides/endpoints/bulk-data-insertion/file-format... tells one can up to 100mb gzip, I'm unsure/ not prefer HTTP large data. pls advise. Thanks



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2 Replies


Adobe Champion

Hi @abhijithr ,

Yes, there is documentation on how to use SFTP for Adobe Analytics instead of HTTP via the Bulk Insertion API.

Using SFTP can be more suitable for handling larger files securely.


You can find the detailed instructions in the Adobe Secure File Transfer Protocol documentation(https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/export/ftp-and-sftp/secure-file-transfer-protoc...). This resource provides information on setting up an SFTP account and transferring data files securely.


Hope this helps!


Level 3

thank you @Bhoomika_S