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Usage of analysis workspace in logs


Level 2


In the logs we can monitor the use of the Adobe Analytics reports (who does what). We however don’t see any information about the Workspace Analysis usage.
It would be great to have this feature, so we get insight about the workspace that have been shared. This way we can monitor which workspace are used and which aren't. This will improve the data driven mentality within the company



Level 2


Looks like this has been implemented, at least partially?  I'm able to see when a specific workspace project was created, updated, shared, unshared, or deleted.


Level 2


What you are seeing was already there when i brought up this idea.

What I mean is more like event "Pages Report viewed" for the projects.

Then you can see if created dashboards were used.


Employee Advisor


We added "Project Viewed" as a log event, in addition to other existing events (Project Created, Project Deleted, etc). Usage Log Tracking for Analysis Workspace - YouTube

Additionally, we've been sharing a tip about how to conduct Usage analysis in Analysis Workspace, using the log data. Learn more here adobe.ly/aausage