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Target Building Enhancements


Level 10


I know there have been some posts on Targets, but this one is to add a few ideas that I don't believe have been coverered:


  1. I wish in the Target creation screen, once you have chosen the metric (or metric and specific value pair), SiteCatalyst could show you what the values have been for the past day/week/month (depending upon what you have selected as your timeframe.  Without this, you have to know what your numbers have been...
  2. I wish there was a way to have an auto-target in which you enter the first value and an expected time period increase % (i.e. 2%) and then have SIteCatalyst auto-fill the rest of the target values.
  3. Ability to download existing Targets in Excel to help see the correct way to fill out the Excel template (like you can in SAINT).