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Sorting and Filtering Project List (Workspace)


Level 2



When searching for projects by name, a bunch of criteria comes up.  I'd like to also filter that criteria by most recently edited date.  I don't believe this is possible today. 


Why is this feature important to you
I have so many projects, this helps to find projects more quickly.


How would you like the feature to work
Once there's data in the name field, I could click on the 'last modified' filter at any time. 


Current Behaviour - Only one filter can happen at a time and they cannot be mixed together.



Level 3


In the workspace projects you can do this now. Once you have data in the search field, click on the last modified then you will have options of 'Sort Ascending', 'Sort Descending', and 'Resize Column'. Then your projects are filtered by the data you entered in the search field and last modified selection.


Level 2


Thanks --- the asending and descending options aren't working for me (the rows aren't changing).  Does it work for you?  Thanks.



Filtering or searching seems to break the sorting function on the Workspace Projects list. It's been this way since the new interface was launched. Really frustrating to see such bog standard interface elements that simply don't work...


Level 1


This still doesn't work for me. Is it a known bug? Nothing happens when I change ascending/descend on for example the created or modified date columns. 


Level 1


@MichaelHarrison37 Thursday of last week it actually started working briefly for me after a maintenance completion. However I wonder if they've rolled back that change as it's gone back to not working again (and we had an unexpected outage after that maintenance round).  Perhaps a fix is on the horizon though!