Description - Would love the ability to roll back segment changes to previous versions. When segments are updated/saved, previous versions are overwritten, and its possible for important conditions to be "lost" if someone is careless with their updating. Or perhaps they remove conditions and then press "Save" when meaning to press "Save As".
Why is this feature important to you - This is important to my team because important segments tend to last years, and the conditions are updated to account for new/different data so that one segment can be used across time. So the segment goal is to "filter for only app data" but the segment starts to look like "includes hits where site name = app OR site contains mobile app, OR SiteSection contains _M" because "app data" may have been tagged/identified differently over time. We have old logic that was relevant 2-3 years ago, and if those conditions are removed from the segment because someone accidentally removes then saves, it would be very difficult for us to know how to re-create. Version control, or the ability to see old segments/saves would help make sure we can always roll back changes when needed.
How would you like the feature to work - In the segment editor, next to Save or Save As, there would be a button to "open previous version" and clicking it would show a popup window with a history of saves (date, timestamp, who saved it). These would be clickable, and allow a user to open up the previous version. Potentially would be helpful when saving from a previous version for a popup to say "You are saving from an older version of the segment, which will overwrite the current segment (last saved X date). Are you sure you wish to proceed?"
Current Behavior - Save simply overwrites the existing segment logic and there is no way to revert changes if a mistake was made, or explore previous versions.