I’m training people to use Workspace in our office. They love the flexibility to do “everything” compared to old interface. However, sometimes they are bit confused where they can adjust different things. Then it hit me, all the gear icons (settings) are invisible and other settings are behind of right-clicking. As analyst, I love that there are so little “noise” in the projects/reports… but this is adding quite a learning curve for new users to find different settings and to understand you can do comparison between metrics etc. Even among us hardcore users we are sometimes like “oh, you can do that if you click there”.
At least those small gear icons for settings are very small and dim, so would be curious to see, how would those projects look like if some icon settings would be visible all the time and not after mouse hovering.
Again, I wouldn’t resist to have project level (or panel level settings) where we could add all those default settings including option to choose what setting icons would be visible. I have already have this kind of idea request:
http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Idea-Exchange-for-Adobe/Workspace-Add-support-to-change-setti ngs-with-one-click-to-all/idi-p/15448
but decided to make this as new request.
Note: This idea is more open to discussions, if Adobe would enable all or some setting icons then it might go too confusing, so not sure do I support my own idea.
Of course, if you could enable/disable these visibility settings then it would be ok. Or maybe there could be other things Adobe could do to make settings more "accessible"... please comment and share your ideas!