With Insight v5.3 forward, the sidebar was introduced as a means to help analysts understand what selections, overrides, etc. they may have while working with a particular workspace. Focusing on the filters panel, this panel provides a visual regarding what filters may or may not be applied for a certain workspace. Our analyst find this panel invaluable and it was a great addition to Insight.
Most of our workspaces have the broken sesion filter automatically enabled. We have found that upon opening a workspace, if the broken session filter is enabled by default, it is not shown as enabled in the sidebar filters panel. It's not shown at all. It's only shown when the analyst actively adds this already applied filter to the filters panel. Working with Omniture Support, we've been instructed that this is working by design but we believe it is potentially misleading filter information to the business/analyst.
We would like to enable the sidebar filters panel the ability to display enabled filters automatically.