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Adobe Analytics - Manage ALL #Tags


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Description - Please add the functionality to MANAGE TAGs just like we currently have the ability to manage any number of other Components:



Why is this feature important to you - Tags are spread out over MULTIPLE components and can exist in many different incarnations as they can be created by different people.  The purpose of Tags is to make searches easier, but if we have the ability to manage them from a central location, we can then standardize and improve them for easier searches and optimize the use of our components and Workspaces.


How would you like the feature to work - Just like we can currently manage other components, we need a page for Tags, but in this case, provide filters for all of the relevant Components off to the side.


  1. FIRST provide the ability to see ALL tags, listed in ALPHABETICAL order, and then provide a summary of all components they are associated with.
  2. It should be possible for us to click on any Tag to view it individually and see every component associated with that tag.
  3. We should be able to edit a tag if we open it.  For instance, if a tag has been in existence as ALL CAPS, we can rewrite it as lowercase and save it so that it is updated as lowercase across ALL components with which it is associated.
  4. This should be an ADMIN-level only functionality.


Current Behavior - There is currently no decent way to edit or manage Tags en masse.  The only way I have found that works in any kind of fairly decent manner is to select a number of components, and then choose Component Actions, click Tag, and then I can either Edit or Add tags. from that point.

jeff_bloomer_0-1655394733825.png OR  jeff_bloomer_1-1655394760141.png



Community Advisor and Adobe Champion


Definitely need this functionality! Especially if tags become state or no longer relevant, we should be able to delete them and keep the options clean!


There could be a warning... "The tag you are trying to delete is attached to items, do you want to proceed? If so this tag will be removed from all instances"


It would also be nice from the view showing all the places the tag is attached, to be able to remove from whichever component we choose (so we don't have to open up multiple items to remove manually one at a time)