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Add ability to Copy Processing Rules to Report Suite Groups


Level 2


Could we allow processing rules to be copied to the same Report Suite Groups that are set up in the Report Suite Admin? Currently, we need to manually select every report suite to copy processing rules over to.


This creates a bit of a challenge (and a chore) when dealing with many report suites (150+ in our case) with distinct report suite differences (apps, websites, etc). This manual process also introduces some risk, as some report suites may be left out or inadvertently added.



Level 9


Like it. Processing Rules need some love! In the same vain, I think it'd be great to allow for Processing Rules to be synced across Report Suites, as described here: http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Add-the-ability-to-have-Proc essing-Rules-synced-across-multiple/idi-p/5551


Level 4


Fully agreed. The list of report suites in the "copy processing rules" menu currently aren't even organized alphabetically... they appear to be arranged in chronological order by report suite creation date. We have 400+ report suites... using this functionality gets painful really fast.