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Tracking Code beetween 2 different internal domains in same Company


Level 8

Hello Adobe Analytics Community!

So, this is kind of a hardball,

I was wondering once we create the virtual report suites, when we will check for the last touch channel we will always get the traffic source of the first website the visitor accessed? For example,

- someone went on A.com via paid search and

- then goes to B.com, ( this site has the same DTM code, and rsid thant A.com )

when i will look his traffic source i will not have internal, i will have paid search? Or it will depend on which report suite i will be checking the data (global vs virtual)?  Is there a way to treat that?

Follow up question, how ca we debug the tracking code ? is it something we can see on the Omnibug stored on the CID attribute ? we cannot see this one on the next urls though - I believe the CID has a visit persistence and works as an evar. So I'm not sure that we can debug my first question.

Cheers !

4 Replies


Level 2


In your example given above, because s.campaign is set on the first domain, you will see the visit in your virtual report suite (B.com) being set to "Typed/Bookmarked".

If you check the global, it will set the allocation to paid search for A, because that's where the traffic source came in.

I can only think of one solution (there are probably more), but that you store the s.campaign ID in a cookie, and set it again in a new evar that is defined as "original traffic channel" and then parse that through from the cookie, once the user goes to B.com, but again.. not a rock solid solution.

s.campaign="" is only set on the landing page and Adobe remembers the allocation through the visit.

Hope the above gives some clarification.



Level 8

Hello @Web_analytics_ninja_2


I looked at this differently.

I just took my Tracking Code, breakdowned it by our Website name prop, and then I looked at the Entry prop on those results.

Tracking Code :

___ A|B|C

     prop Website Name :



               Entry prop Website Name :


I found some web sites that had a different entry prop for the same Tracking code.

So I'm not sure about your "Typed/Bookmarked" ( which is also a referrer type in my understanding, and not the tracking code )

Cheers !


Level 2

Hi again,

Interesting approach. Is that working in the virtual report suite? If you are filtering the virtual report suite to only show data for B.com, then you won't have the information available (tracking code) that is in the global report suite. So the logic above might not work, but again.. might be worth setting up a test virtual report suite and see if that is the case.



Level 8

Yes right, I saw this on the General Report suite, need to validate this on the virtual !