Description: Currently it is possible to change the visitor lifetime profile for new target profiles. However for existing profiles the new visitor lifetime profile length will only be applicable when the initial profile expired. An example: the current lifetime of a target profile is 14 days. We want to shorten this period to 2 days. All new users will automatically have an expiration of 2 days of inactivity. For existing users, it will remain 14 days unless the user is inactive for 14 days, then it will be 2 days.
Why is this feature important to you: for companies that rely a lot on returning customers (for example B2B) this mismatch between new users and returning users isn't ideal since different profile scripts will behave differently across different profiles (new and returning).
How would you like the feature to work: when the visitor profile length is changed, it would be good to have the option to apply it immediately to all profiles regardless if they existed before or not.
Current Behaviour: it only applies to new profiles