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Adobe Launch Migration UAT Phase


Level 9

Hello everyone,

Any suggestion how to execute UAT test with my client?

I was thinking to take screenshot of fired every rule and how the data elements are populated. In addition, I am going to prepare a dashboard in Analytics and show evars,events will be stored. Any suggestion?


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

One approach is what I do with a client:

In this case, the client only UATs the final hits that are sent to AA. He "doesn't care" about how the data layer or Launch are setup, as long as the hits get sent correctly.

So we use this method:

  1. Using Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, I log all of the AA hits in the test pages.
  2. Export the AA hits to an Excel file.
  3. Edit the Excel file to indicate the steps that I had done to generate the hits, e.g. "click <this button>", "press browser back button", "scroll to <this point>", etc.
  4. Send the Excel file to the tester.
  5. The tester follows my steps in the Excel file to generate his own Excel file from his debugger.
  6. He uses Excel's compare functions to verify that his hits -- and all of their props/eVars/events/other fields -- match up 100% (except for those fields that obviously shouldn't match, e.g. timestamps, ECIDs).
  7. If all hits match -- pass.
  8. If any hits don't match -- fail, he sends his annotated Excel file to me for me to check and fix. Then go back to step 1.

View solution in original post

3 Replies


Level 8

The most important thing for us is we should not miss any tracking related information such as, visits, pageUrl, search tracking, etc, so what you can do is you can ask the team who is performing UAT to share the list of URL which they are going to test or the other approach is you can create some pages and assign it to the people who are going to perform UAT. the advantage with this is you can generate reports based on assigned pages, if any page is not tracked or custom event is not fired then you can check with that respective person and ask him/her to submit once again for troubleshooting purpose.

if everything is tracking properly in the reports then you can build reports in the workspace and share it with the UAT team.

You can also ask the UAT team to install a adobe cloud debugger chrome extension and test the pages, events, etc. while testing ask the team to check in DPD, if any event or page view record is not appearing in the DPD ask them to report a defect and also same thing is not appeared in the workspace reports then you can consider it as a bug

You can also schedule a call with all UAT members and perform UAT in the screen sharing session

You can follow any of the above approach.

Important thing is,  you must build a workspace project to showcase reports to the client, the reports will give more clarity to the client and avoid lot of confusions




Correct answer by
Community Advisor

One approach is what I do with a client:

In this case, the client only UATs the final hits that are sent to AA. He "doesn't care" about how the data layer or Launch are setup, as long as the hits get sent correctly.

So we use this method:

  1. Using Adobe Experience Platform Debugger, I log all of the AA hits in the test pages.
  2. Export the AA hits to an Excel file.
  3. Edit the Excel file to indicate the steps that I had done to generate the hits, e.g. "click <this button>", "press browser back button", "scroll to <this point>", etc.
  4. Send the Excel file to the tester.
  5. The tester follows my steps in the Excel file to generate his own Excel file from his debugger.
  6. He uses Excel's compare functions to verify that his hits -- and all of their props/eVars/events/other fields -- match up 100% (except for those fields that obviously shouldn't match, e.g. timestamps, ECIDs).
  7. If all hits match -- pass.
  8. If any hits don't match -- fail, he sends his annotated Excel file to me for me to check and fix. Then go back to step 1.


Level 1

did u create any template for UAT. Please share if you can.