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Extend Brand Portal Share Link Expiration date


Level 1


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Will you please consider changing the Brand Portal Share Link Expiration date or allowing admins to create a custom date for all assets. My users are complaining that they have to change it every time they use it to extend it further and one week is too short of a time frame.
Use-case: My primary User's customers revisit old links and/or take longer that 2 weeks to gather the linked information. The primary users are also not happy about having to set a more appropriate future date every time they share a link.
Current/Experienced Behavior: Linked items expires after one week (default)
Improved/Expected Behavior: Linked items expires after one year (default) or enabling a default date set by the admin for our instance. We use 01-01-2049 for example.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):  
Customer-name/Organization name: Fluke
Screenshot (if applicable): libby99_0-1663696873128.png


Code package (if applicable):  
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