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Showing User's Actual Hours when viewing Project Report


Level 4
Hi All, Our team is working on a dashboard for any person to use as a one-stop-shop to see their: Late and Current Tasks Recently (2 weeks) Completed Tasks Projects They're On - Completed within the last week, or currently active projects In all of these views, we would like to show the person how many hours they have logged - part of our initiative to encourage time tracking. Getting user hours into the first two reports is easy, but the Project Report is proving to be harder. How would I filter out hours entered into a project to the user viewing the report? Is that possible? Right now, I'm only able to show the total hours entered on a Project. I've played with trying to add $$user into some text mode versions of the query, to no avail. Cheers, Greg

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4 Replies


Level 10
Instead of a project report, I would go with an Hour Report. Filter Hour>>Owner ID equal to $$USER.ID, filter project status to active or completed last week. On your columns, have project name, hour (hours), project status, hour owner name -> to check, etc..


Level 10
The Hours report that Polly described is the only way to get what you are looking for, for each individual user. Be forewarned...since it is a hours based report, a Detail report will generate a lot of rows, even for an individual user unless you put some Entry Date time constraint on your filter (ex. only look at hours logged for prior week, etc.). The other option would be to use a Matrix format instead. The downside is that doesn't leave much room for information like in a detailed report. You have to be able to get your message across in a 2 rows and 2 columns (max)...but you can always create concatenated fields to try to get more info in there. Good Luck!


Level 4
Great advice, both of you - Hours Report worked like a charm. We'll use this report as part of a "Worker Dashboard" that will let our people review and update hours worked on various tasks as they complete them. You can edit the hours right from the report, which makes it more convenient for them than going through their profile or by clicking into individual projects. Greg


Level 4
I received a message, asking about what this dashboard looks like. Here's a few screenshots (below). All reports are filtered, using $$USER.ID The goal of this dashboard is to be used in supplement to the My Work section, giving our people a look into their past work and entire projects as a whole. We are also getting feedback that the changing due dates of tasks (and how the Commit Date stays the same) can cause confusion - this bypasses the Commit Date feature. First, there is a Task report, showing all tasks that are New and In Progress, with a due date of up to 3 weeks in the future. Second, we have a Hours Report that lists tasks that have been completed within the last two weeks. There is an option for the user to enter their worked hours, as well as a custom field for any additional notes they would like to enter: Last, is a Tasks Report, shown in graphical form. The purpose of this report is to give users a quick look at all of the projects that they have a task in, as well as show them how far along the entire project is. Projects will be filtered out two weeks after their completion. Greg