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Requester Reports


Level 10
Hi My reporting knowledge has come to a standstill trying to figure this out. We have Requesters who work within our company and so most every document and project is shared with them (at the company level). This is fine. None of them are on tasks or own any projects (obviously). However, they are approvers on Proofs. They have asked that there be a report on their dashboard that shows all the Active proofs they are working on. I am able to use the Report "My Documents for Approval" for Worker licenses, but when it is showing for a Requester, it is always blank, doesn't show the Projects that are associated with the Proofs, or the Proofs at all. I need some guidance on how to format the filter in a report so that this would work. Any help would be great. Thanks! Jill Ackerman

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3 Replies


Level 10
I don't have this report, so can you just post the filters? -skye


Level 10
I'm not sure what the "My Documents for Approval" report is (it sounds more like a report on documents that your workers have assigned to other people for their review?). Can you just create a Document Approvals report and put this in the filter? approverID=$$USER.ID approverID_Mod=in status=NEW status_Mod=in It translates into the attached screenshot. -skye


Level 10
I am mixing up Documents and Proofs and that's why it isn't working. They are separate objects and thus separate types of reports, hence a document report doesn't display proofs. Thank you for your patience as I muddle through.