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How to create a calendar with 2 dates from multiple projects?


Level 10
How to create a calendar with 2 dates from multiple projects? One date is a custom date field and the other date is a standard field "planned completion date". How can I get these two dates into a calendar for "all" of my projects?
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Benetta, If you are talking about getting planned and custom dates from multiple projects onto a Calendar, then there's not a perfect way to do this because it only displays planned/actual dates. The only way I can think of including a custom date is to incorporate the custom date field into custom labelling of the calendar items. See attached screenshot which shows how this could be done. If you're not familiar with creating calendars you can have a look at the support documentation. Instead of doing the above with a calendar, you could create a Task report which includes tasks from the projects you want included. Then, just show the planned completion date field and custom date fields, and then click the Gantt button on the right.....not quite a calendar but it might do the job. Regards, David


Level 10

Thanks David,

Unfortunately, my team wants a true calendar view of their dates. So I have been tasked with creating a 'task' for each of the 2 dates - then I can easily put them on a calendar view and the dates will reside on the proper date on the calendar for all projects. Hopefully, in the future this will be enhanced where as calendars can show more then task, projects and issues ... but dates from custom fields...

Thank you...0690z000007ZkNhAAK.jpg