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How to assign an issue to one team but notify another team?


Level 2
I am very new to Workfont and am trying to help my team with a request but cannot get the result I am looking for. Please help! When our organization is in need of a job to be posted by the Human Resources team, it is sent in through Workfront as a request. These come in as issues under a project called Job Posting Request. Currently, there is a routing rule that routes any job posting requests submitted to the Human Resources team for completion. However, our Social Media team is asking to be notified when a new job needs to be posted, as they would like to post it to our social media sites as well. They do not usually use Workfront so it would be ideal for them to simply receive an email when a new issue enters into the project. However, I asked them to subscribe to the project and then submitted a test request and it did not send them a notification email. Is there any way to ensure the Social Media team knows when a new request has been sent in and is now listed as an issue in this project? I know that I can edit an individual issue and then add the Social Media team under the assignees, which will send them an email that they have been assigned, but this relies on me going in and manually updating each issue, whereas I would rather have this occur automatically. Thank you! Tina Plotner
8 Replies


Level 4
I do not have experience with your issue exactly, but perhaps you can create an issue approval process where your social medial team is an approver when the issue is created and in "new" status. In this way they would get an approval request from Workfront thus alerting them to the issue? I'm not sure of the license type needed to do approvals but I think it works with requester or review types. Another alternative would be to create a report of all new issues in your Job Posting Request project. Then use the send report function to send this list of new requests to your social Media Team. You could have this be a daily report sent to them. Chris Mueller HLUS: Holdings


Level 2
I really like the idea of using an approval process and I think that would be ideal, but I can't figure out how to get the kind of approval process I'm looking for. I created a global approval process in the setup area so that when the issue is in the New status, the social media team is alerted to approve it to the next step. However, I can't figure out how to have that approval process automatically apply to all issues. I can go into each issue individually and apply the approval, but I'm trying to avoid any manual processes and just apply the approval rule to every issue in the project. If I look at the Approval section of the project itself instead of the issues, it only gives me the option of setting an approval for one status of the project to the next, which is not what I want. Tina Plotner


Level 9
If the HR team doesn't need to approve or do anything with the Request, and what you actually want is for every request in the queue to have your Social Media team do an action I would probably make a report for the Social Team that has all of the requests in the queue from the last day, and then I'd send them an email daily (Not the best, but we've found that most time we want something like this to happen we're missing something more important in the process) I think there are some issues we'd run into with this process though. Like what happens when the HR team doesn't approve a request that comes in due to it not having some requirements that are needed or due to there needing to be requirement changes. I'd guess the HR team needs to first approve the request, then you'd want the Social team to do something. In that case, an approval process as mentioned above makes a lot of sense. Another approach is the HR team could create a project based on the issue with a "New Hire" template. In the New Hire template, you could have the Social Team assigned to a task that would be started when the HR team decides to start the New Hire project. This approach would make sense if there are different people on the HR team that need to be involved with each New Hire process. Good luck, let us know what you choose! Derek Visch Level Data


Level 8
On the project, go to Queue Setup, and select something in the 'Default Approval' field.


Level 2
Adina- that's exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much! Tina Plotner


Level 10
Hello, Tina. Have you considered adding the social media team to the routing rule? If it's okay, they (HR and SMT) can be notified at the same time. It would seem, however, there would be a time delay between job request being submitted and then actually being ready to post. Susan


Community Advisor
Another idea that you could try would be to sign the Social team up as subscribers so that every time an issue is added they would get a notification. I don't personally use Workfront this way so I'm not sure if this would get spam-y or not. Here's the support link for more details about "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000097553-Subscribing-to-Items-in-Workfront">Subscribing to Items in Workfront Monique Evans Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.