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Hiding Proof comments


Level 7
Hello all! We are just starting to set up some workflows and best practices with Proof HQ and the whole review process. We are wanting hide our internal comments from our clients for obvious sensitivity reasons. I was wondering how some other companies handle this through Proof HQ. I see the "mark private" option within an automated workflow, however, that option only hides new comment threads and not any comments that are made within a thread where the client is tagged. That can be open to mistakes and confusion around training as to where and how to leave comments. Our workaround is to remove the client from version (1) with the comments and add them to a workflow for version (2) which would not have the comments. That way we can still keep track of all our comments and edits made, but keep the creative communications internally private. Long winded, I know... I just wanted to see if that is how other companies are handling this or is there another, less manual way to accomplish this? Brandon Pritchard System Administrator iNHouse Marketing - Nationwide pritcb1@nationwide.com

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1 Reply


Level 2
We do something similar where we only share certain versions with clients so they don't have access to our internal versions. Melissa Treinen Healthgrades