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Finding people with direct reports


Level 5
Hi, does anyone have any way to filter the people list to show people with direct reports? Kristine Ross Great West Life & Annuity Insurance Company
8 Replies


Level 10
There might be a better way, but if you're in a pinch: Create User Report Filter: User >> Is Active = True User >> Manager ID = Not Blank View: Add Manager >> Name Grouping By Manager >> Name This will give you a report of the User under each Manager and you can roll them up to see all the Managers with Direct reports.


Level 10
Slightly different from Vic, you can use an exist filter to just see people who have direct reports. isActive=true isActive_Mod=eq EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE=USER EXISTS:1:managerID=FIELD:ID EXISTS:1:managerID_Mod=notblank If you want to show who those direct reports are in the report, you can put in the collection: displayname=Direct Reports listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(directReports).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=name valueformat=HTML Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 5
Thanks, that is perfect. Kristine Ross Great West Life & Annuity Insurance Company


Level 10
Yeah yours is better �� .


Level 10
why didn't you blackout my name?! haha.... Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB


Level 10
I just used this, it works great! Thanks Anthony.


Level 10
Is there an easy way to only list active direct reports?


Level 10
I tried this but no worky: displayname=Active Direct Reports listdelimiter=<p> listmethod=nested(directReports).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF(isActive="true,{user}.{name}," ") valueformat=HTML