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Combine Fields For Grouping Name


Level 1
I would like to combine fields for grouping names into one row. I learned about this in Reporting Demigod at LEAP, and I have the handout that gives you the text mode code. However, I have not been able to get it to work. Workfront's example shows three rows of data combined into one row - but all at the project level (e.g. project name, owner, due date). I am trying to combine across program and project (program name [school], project owner, project name). We have multiple schools that we work on at one time, so the program name is necessary. The project owner may have more than one project listed under them. I have so many blue headers on my report! Anyone know how to code that? current textmode code is: group.0.displayname=Program group.0.linkedname=program group.0.namekey=view.relatedcolumn group.0.namekeyargkey.0=program group.0.namekeyargkey.1=name group.0.valuefield=program:name group.0.valueformat=string group.1.displayname=Owner group.1.linkedname=owner group.1.namekey=view.relatedcolumn group.1.namekeyargkey.0=owner group.1.namekeyargkey.1=name group.1.valuefield=owner:name group.1.valueformat=string group.2.displayname=: group.2.linkedname=direct group.2.namekey=name group.2.valuefield=name group.2.valueformat=string textmode=true See how it displays currently by looking at the attached image. ALSO - how do you get rid of the number behind the total (the sum of sub-groupings such as "(18)" behind the program name in this example. Thanks for your ideas! Tina Prichard National Heritage Academies

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1 Reply


Level 4
valueexpression and the {}.{} syntax are your friends here: group.0.displayname=Concat group.0.valueexpression=CONCAT({program}.{name},": ",{owner}.{name}," - ",{name}) group.0.valueformat=string textmode=true valueexpression in views, filters, and groups requires the brackets-dot syntax instead of the colon syntax for referenced variables. displayname will replace all the name keys and other text values -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com - we simplify your work so you can run your business -