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An indicator on the Field object to denote it is being used in a Fusion scenario


Level 1


Description - Adding a superscript of "F" to notate a field is in use in a Fusion scenario.

Why is this feature important to you - We have had a few instances where the field name was changed causing the Fusion scenario to stop. This field indicator will alert the user to coordinate the change with Fusion before implementing the name change.

How would you like the feature to work - Indicator on the Field object that reads: Used in Fusion, user would check box to indicate field is being used in a Fusion scenario. The field name would display with a superscript of "F" to notate the use in a Fusion scenario.

Current Behaviour - Updating an excel spreadsheet to track.

1 Comment


Community Advisor


Can you not just name the field with an "ƒ"?

I name my calc fields with a "_" and my typeahead fields with a ".". It's pretty much the same thing, right?