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Boards Questions // Generic Task Names & Duplicates


Level 4

One thing I'm noticing about the WF Boards is that since cards are still Task oriented, whenever a card makes a connection to a project, it's just creating and linking to a Task that has the same name as the card.

That's not to say it's a major glitch but it's a challenge since we use project templates, we have to be aware of that function or every team using boards is going to start flooding the projects with duplicate generically named tasks. Is there a way to set up a board so that it doesn't do this?

Currently, when it creates a task on the project it’s connected to, that shares the name of whatever you title the card. If we all link to the same project on our own boards, the project will then have all multiple identical tasks. It has the potential to get quite messy. And if someone comes in and "cleans up" those generic tasks, it'll break the link back to someone's board. But there's no seeing who created those Tasks and on which board that Task's card lives. Does anyone have some reccommendations?

1 Reply


Level 2

We're in a similar situation, we're noticing tasks "fall off" of boards.  But this is a very interesting question and I think it might be related.  I'd love to hear the recommendations based on your question @OliviaCl