Do you mean that when a user logs in for the first time, they are assigned certain groups, and based on these groups, permissions are set for /content/project to allow actions like jcr:read and jcr:write, but excluding replicate? Is this correct?
I want to restrict some permissions for a user. For example: the ability to publish a page.I have already removed all groups in the Admin Console in Cloud Manager, but when I log in, I still see many groups in the AEM instance (User/Group).I also set restricted permissions in User/Permissions by den...
I have a QA environment where the Scene7 configuration is working normally. I cloned this configuration from QA(/conf/global/settings/cloudconfigs/dmscene7) to Stage for Scene7, but I encountered the following error.Please help advance about this approach: 03.12.2024 09:46:21.784 [cm-p73952-e729754-...
Description: We are encountering a repository access issue in our AEM Publish instance. The error occurs intermittently when attempting to retrieve a specific model JSON file. The error logs indicate a failure to access the repository due to an Azure Storage timeout.09.10.2024 21:55:39.308 [cm-p7395...
I want to backup all content/images/component to S3 with a scheduler, package will zip folder.Any ideas please help share with me, because the image folder will be large.Many Thanks
Thanks you, so they were complained about that those variants re-appeared again sometimes. Only 1 person modified it.Issues the process deleted variant successfully, but not real.
Thanks for your valuable ideas, I have check with when I delete a variant of b2899795-5224-4584-9ca6-cc392ceddeed is test_2.With CF new Editor:curl DELETE: <<host>>/adobe/sites/cf/fragments/b2899795-5224-4584-9ca6-cc392ceddeed/variations/test_2With Old Editor (Assert/Folder/CF/..)curl <<host>>/cont...
My client has reported 2 issues as1. They deleted those variants of CF a long time ago ( about 10 variants in CF)The process was deleted successfully and did not have any errors showing. But when they reappeared 2. When access this link