I have a simple streaming audience defined as: when ingest new records that meet the criteria it dos not realize em instantly or even near instantly.All realized profiles are after a long time.the wait tilme between two events is just 1.Can you help me or someone explain how it should be triggered m...
The video on the bottom says:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/journey-optimizer/using/audiences-profiles-identities/audiences/create/custom-uploadIs it up to date?
How you configure web channel in AJO when it comes to different type of pages?My first idea is to create separate configuration for:- home - basket - confirmation - product page (all in one configuration) What are your best practices?
When I add Test Profile to the Seed lists that this mean that profile attributes for the sendout would be taken from that Test Profile and send to Seed List mailing? Or is it only just technical thing?
Hi All,Need help regarding for requirement- "Extract all the matched values within double curly braces and add all of those matched items to an array."{% let InputString= "This is an input String-{{match1}} and need to extract all values inside double curly braces {{match2}}, {{match3}}" %}{% let Ou...
Item Catalog - what is it about? It is like product feed? I totally get Offer Collections and Decisions. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/journey-optimizer/using/decisioning/experience-decisioning/decision-items/catalogsCould you explain me the real use-case for that 3 items?
Every day, I need to export data for a recurring DM campaign and create a report that breaks down certain fields. This report is sent to campaign users so they’re aware of what has been sent. How can I streamline this process to make it more efficient? is there the out-of-box schema storing the data...
Hi, Team, I am exporting a file through the campaign using the DM channel. After generating the file, it is saved as Unix-ANSI instead of PC-ANSI, which is the required format for our system. Is there a setting or option where I can select the desired file format (PC-ANSI) before generating the file...