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GitHub integration with offer library / profile scripts


Level 2



Create a third offer type "GitHub Offers" within the Offers library. I'm mostly describing offers here, but a similar method would work for profile scripts.


Why is this feature important to you

This would help us to follow development best practices and automate some of the work flow.


How would you like the feature to work 

GitHub would automatically pull folders, .html, .json documents into the Adobe Target library. Ideally, it would be great of it would support multiple branches with the option for that brand to behavior differently with Adobe Target, e.g.:

  • Prod Branch:  .html and .json documents would act life Remote Cached offers. Normal cached offers rules would apply
  • Staging Branch: .html and .json documents would act life Remote Dynamic offers.
  • Dev Branch: etc....

In an activity, you could note the branch and offer name so you could easily switch between branches. You could also fix to a version of the code, so that unexpected updates don't disrupt production or use the latest (default).


Current Behaviour - N/A