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Support for better Echo Cancellation?


Level 2

What is the best practice for echo cancellation on the audio streams? I am already setting echoSuppression to true on the MicrophoneManager instance, but that doesn't really seem to have much affect with a user who has separate speaker and mic installation.

At this point, we recommend our users to either wear headphones (to avoid any echo from the speaker output being picked up by the local mic) or to use a usb speaker phone with builtin echo cancellation. Niether one is a really great solution...

I have also heard that the ConnectPro platform uses some sort of AEC in order to reduce/cancel echo in that product line. Is there some lesson learned or other approach taken there that can help those of us now facing it in the LCCS platform?

Additionally, rumors abound concerning Adobe's native support for some sort of Speex based AEC implementation to be made available in the player - any comments?

This is a really critical feature, I believe, to make LCSS truly successful as a platform for online collaboration.


10 Replies


Level 4

Ah welcome to the AEC club, we have t-shirts send me your size and I'll send

you one Interestingly there was a guy on the JIRA AEC bug forum this

morning that claims to be able do some echo cancellation in flash now using

the new low level audio functions. Of course there was no sample code or

examples of it running... I can't see how you could keep the timing and

latency straight all the way up in action script but I guess it's

plausible. Here was his link back to his blog:




Level 2

t-shirts? You know how to get to a hacker's heart...

Thanks Eric - I saw that post as well, but hadn't seen any serious discussion in the LCCS forum and wanted to make sure that the LCCS team knew that we are interested in having this functionality added to this great product.

For those that are interested, there is a long read available at: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-273



Former Community Member

Hi Chris,

Yes we are also aware of how dearly LCCS users want AEC feature and we keep raising this with the player team. But as the blog says, it won't be till next-release of 10.1. There have been prior discussions on AEC on this forums and we are also hoping it gets into player as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I would be also keen to get an example on how this could be plausible with 10.1.


Hironmay Basu


Level 1

Hi Hironmay,

Question: was the AEC released in the 10.1 version?

We are working in a proyect we've built in May last year, and I would like to know if there is something new that we can take advantage to reduce the echo.

Thanks a lot



Level 4

No it's supposed to be coming in 10.3.


Former Community Member

Flash 10.3 is supposed to be released in June.


Former Community Member

Hi ,

As eric and sandy mentioned, its coming with 10.3 player build. 10.2 doesnt have major changes , so its only in 10.3 . Current timeframe as per my knowledge is june-july of this year. When it comes, LCCS will be ready for AEC. I will post updates here as and when that happens


Hironmay Basu


Level 1

Thanks a lot for the quick response


Former Community Member

A quick note on all this topic : We're definitely not the Flash Player

team, so we're not speaking directly from that authority. Timeframes and

features can always change, before any release =). Just passing on the

latest we've heard.



Level 1

Check out this blog http://www.solicall.com/blog/?p=27 - a discussion on echo cancellation for browser-based applications.