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Special Charachters being added when ENTER is used in a text box. Please help??


Former Community Member

Hi Guys

I have done some checking on this issue

Basically a 'funny character' is introduced by the capture form into the xml.

This occurs when the capturer uses ENTER at the end of a line etc in a text box.

How can I prevent this from happening so that the user can freely use the ENTER key

to drop down to the next line??



3 Replies


Level 10


I don't think you can within Designer/Acrobat. The "
" represents the carriage-return that the user has inputted. If you strip this out you will be left with a continuous string (eg without carriage returns).

You might be able to do some server side processing of the XML to deal with it at that stage.

Hope that helps,



Former Community Member

So is there now way of stipping the carriage return in Designer/Acrobat even if I do want a continuous string?




Level 10

Hi Joey,

I presume that you are working with a multiline textfield and you want to prevent the user putting in carriage-returns?

One workaround may be to detect if the user has pressed the Enter key and then strip it out.

The following script in the change event of the textfield should work:

if (xfa.event.change == "\u000a") {

     xfa.event.change = "";


Hope that helps,
