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Remote control in the screen sharing supported/examples?


Level 2

Is any of the following supported and have examples? I looked in to the sample examples but I was not clear on which of these features work.

- Transfer of control between different participants (just like in webex, you can right click and transfer the control)

- Is sharecursorpane same as what I see in the whiteboard were everyone can the cursor of all the participants?

- how many subscriber are supported? Does it depend on P2P or not? Is there any relation between quality of the shared screen and number of subscriber?

Pointers to a example would be great.

5 Replies



Hi Jason

- There are no API's to explicitly transfer control. But there are workarounds to achieve that. Instead of transferring control, you could ask the desired ScreenShareSubscriber to request control.

- Yes the SharedCursorPane is the same as the one used in SharedWhiteBoard

- ScreenSharing is not available in P2P mode.





Related to the quality of screensharing, of course the number of viewers doesn't affect the encoding quality (i.e. what the publisher sends) and in theory FMS can "broadcast" to many client (the subscribers) with no loss of quality, but what your clients will see depends a lot on your network topology.

For example if all your clients are in the same building, maybe on wireless in a hub&spoke configuration you may saturate the network and clients will receive slow updates. If also the publisher is in the same network it will probably push data at a lower speed and that will also affect what the subscribers receive.

But if your clients are evenly distributed on different locations they shouln't affect each other's quality.


Level 2


1) Are there examples of request control somewhere? It will save me a lot of time.

2) I didn't know that screen sharing is not available in P2P. So if I start a video chat in P2P, then simulteneously start the screen sharing from the same app then my video chat will switch to hub and spoke also? In one session, only one protocal is used at given time, right?




Hey Jason,

Yes if the session has screen sharing in progress then your existing p2p video chat would switch to Hub 'n' spoke.

Attaching a simple ScreenShare remote control example.




Level 2

Thanks a lot. I will look into the sample.