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re: calculating max rebates in Livecycle


Level 1


I am working on a form where I have to calculate two tax rebate values.Using the script below, I have the first half of it working fine. I need the second half to calculate the rebate amount up to a maximum amount of $26250.00. Not sure what to do and have not had much luck with what I have tried so far. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

if (checkBox.rawValue == 1 && PRICE_OF_UNIT.rawValue > 525000)
    this.rawValue = 26250;
else if (checkBox.rawValue == 1 && PRICE_OF_UNIT.rawValue <= 525000)
    this.rawValue = PRICE_OF_UNIT.rawValue *0.07*0.7143;
    this.rawValue = 0;



1 Reply


Former Community Member

Are you getting any errors in the Javascript console (Ctrl-J in Acrobat). Can you validate that you are at least getting into the right part of the code? Put a message box in the second part to validate that your condition is at least being met.

When building compound statements I like to wrap each part in brackets to ensure that it is getting evaluated correctly.

if ((A == 1) && (B <= 2)) {


Lets start there and see what happens.
