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Questions about LCCS Session Recording


Level 2

I have some questions about the new (currently in private beta) feature that allows you to record LCCS sessions. From what I've been able to read up on the topic I think I already have some of the answers, but I would like some confirmation

1- What format is message data recorded in?

2- What format are video and audio streams recorded in?

3- Where are sessions recorded? (Dev provided storage via... scp? ftp? FMIS?)

4- How are sessions replayed? (Session 'tracks' are replayed from dev-provided storage)

5- How might offline viewing of recorded sessions be achieved? Can a client be written that can read the recorded format without the LCCS servers?


Michael Krotscheck

3 Replies


Former Community Member


I can answer some of your questions

a) Message data is recorded in flv file format. Every collectionNode that the client uses when he logs into the application and starts recording, gets recorded in a separate flv.

b) Each audio/video/screenshare stream gets recorded in a separate flv. e.g. if I am talking to an user and I have my audio and camera on when I start recording, two flvs are created , one for audio and one for camera.

c) Recordings happen and files get pushed to your developer server once the recording is completed. You need to request us permission to use recording( its in private beta) and once approved, we can then later go ahead and help you set up. You will provide an url for your server where you want the recording files to be pushed/stored before you start recording.

d) When you playback, LCCS will get the flvs from the storage url you gave and if everything required flv file is fine, it will start playing them back.

e) Currently we don't have offline recording in LCCS and we don't have any immediate plans. Our main focus is to fix as many issues as possible that developers find during beta and release the complete features for everyone in future releases.

Hope this helps


Hironmay Basu


Level 2

Awesome, thanks for the answers!

Regarding the last question, I'm actually more interested on whether it's possible to do offline playback rather than offline recording. I take it that's also not currently on your radar?



Unfortunately the FlashPlayer doesn't allow direct playback of the full recording from a local source (I don't know the exact details, but I know you can play A/V streams but there are some limitation on data streams). That's why we currently don't offer offline playback.

But while we don't have immediate plans we know that it is a much requested feature and we are doing some experiments. If they are successful we will offer it in a later release (but again, for now they are just experiments and at this point we can't really say if/when this feature will be available).