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new installed font in server not reflected in client's browser


Former Community Member


  We installed a new font called OCR A extended in our LiveCycle ES server. We use this font for some of our text fields. I render this pdf form using .Net integration. When I execute this .Net program from my local system, I could see those fonts reflected in the PDF form that is rendered in my browser. ( I got the new font installed on my local system as well). But if the form is rendered from other systems, they could not see the font reflected as they do not have that font installed on their systems. (It is showing some arial font by default).

  How can we overcome this problem. Do we need to put any settings in the formservice we call in .net program. I checked at the properties in PDFFormRenderSpec(). But I didnt get any idea. Dont say to install the font on the systems we call this pdf as I have to enable this form to be called  by thousands of users and it's highly difficult to ask each of them to install this font.

Your inputs could really help me on this.



1 Reply


Former Community Member


  I got the solution for this.

Goto - home-> services -> formsservice and list the font sto be embedded. It will work fine.

