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How to create a web version of XFA forms


Former Community Member

I have created a few dynamic XFA form using Livecycle designer. They work great and is getting quite popular amoung our users. But the problem with these forms are:


a) A lot of user using Mac are having problem opening it from their Safari browser. Its a common problem and I get tired of troubleshooting a lot users asking the same questions over and over again.

b) A lot of users are now preferring to use it on ipads and tablets and there is simply no way to open these forms in tablets.


I was looking for other solutions and the only method I can think of would be to render a html version of these forms in the browser and then generate the pdf file in the end after the user have completing filling it in. I have been searching on the internet and I still havent figured out how will I go about with this.


Can someone please guide me and show me the way on were do I get started and how can I create a web version of these forms and then export the completed form in pdf?? Is there a tutorial video on this somewhere in adobe tv or youtube? Please go easy with the technical terms since my level of knowledge is still a beginner.


I have licycle designer ES. Any help will be appreciated!

3 Replies


Level 10

The only way to do this is by using the LiveCycle Forms server product.


Otherwise you would need to create a standard HTML form and process the data into XML and then import into the pdf.


Former Community Member

Thank you Jono.. I was worried no one was going to talk to me.


I will have a look at the LiveCycle Forms server product. I wonder how much they cost. I couldnt find the price there. Also I wonder if it works on Livecycle Designer ES (since I havent got ES2 or ES3 yet).


If I was to create a standard HTML form and then process the data into XML, how do I later import it into the pdf? If there any tutorial on the web where I can learn how to do this?

Thanx Jono...


Level 10

You have to talk to Adobe sales about pricing. It's really expensive so unless you work for a large organization...

I can't help you with the XML, I've never really done anything with it. But you need Acrobat Pro to import the XML data.