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how do you convert numeric value to hours:minutes?


Level 2

Hi guys

I need a script that converts calculated minutes to hours:minutes format

eg.  96 minutes / 60 = 1.6 hours, which i want it to then convert to 1:36 (Hour:Minutes)

any help would be great. Thanks

1 Reply


Former Community Member

Give this a go....

// form1.page1.subform1.formattedTime::calculate - (FormCalc, client)

var hours = Floor(form1.page1.subform1.timeInMinutes.rawValue / 60)

var minutes = Mod(form1.page1.subform1.timeInMinutes.rawValue,60)

if (minutes < 10) then

  minutes = Concat("0",minutes)


$.rawValue = Concat(hours,":",minutes)
