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Help with validation


Former Community Member


I have the following code on change event of a field:

//Restrict the Length to the Maximum 5

var maxLength =5;

if(xfa.event.newText.length >maxLength)xfa.event.change = "";

// restrict entry to digits

if (xfa.event.change.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/))

       xfa.event.change = "";

and this code on the exit event of the same field

var minLength = 5;

    if(this.rawValue != null){

     if(this.rawValue.toString().length <minLength){

          xfa.host.messageBox("Please enter a minimum of 5 digits");


          this.rawValue = ""




xfa.host.messageBox("Please enter a minimum of 5 digits");


     this.rawValue = ""


this.rawValue =


The validation works fine and won't accept anything less than 5 digits. But once I begin typing in the field and decide I no longer want to type in the field (its not a mandatory field) then it just wont let me out of the field. Keeps validating all the time.

Is there a way I can accept NULL values and also set the min length to 5 digits



1 Reply


Former Community Member

It's probably empty string not null so this line is not working as you expect:

if(this.rawValue != null){