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get string from XML


Level 2

I have the following in an execute script. It creates an XML quite nicely. However, I need it to retrieve the data for comparison versus creating an XML. Is there an easy way to convert what I have so this can be accomplished? I need to compare the commonName to a string value that will be static, and store the userId that corresponds to it as a string. 

DocumentBuilderFactory fact = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder bd = fact.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = bd.newDocument();
Element root = (Element) doc.createElement("users");

if(userlist != null)
Iterator iterator = userlist.iterator();
while ( iterator.hasNext() )
  User eachUser = (User)iterator.next();

  Element UserNode = doc.createElement("user");

  Element ValueNode = doc.createElement("userID");

  Element ValueNode = doc.createElement("commonName");

patExecContext.setProcessDataValue("/process_data/uXML", (Object)doc)

2 Replies


Former Community Member

I am not sure I follow.

The Execute Script service instance, above, creates the process variable "uXML" of type Object. Is the intent to iterate over "commonName" in "uXML" in a subsequent operation to determine the existence of the content of a second process variable containing the name?



Level 2

I found my solution. To get the value in the node it's eachUser.userId.toString().