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File Size bloating


Level 1

Hi guys, hope you can help me with this issue.

I am running Designer ES version

I started with a form which was 1,057KB.

I updated two variables in the Form Properties, saved the form and it was 2,227KB.

I then replaced an image in the form with another image (about 100KB larger), and saved - the form went to 3,218KB.

Any ideas/guidance would be helpful.



4 Replies


Level 10


A couple of things.

If you are generating accessibility tags and embed fonts then this will have a big effect on file size (particularly if you are using multiple fonts in a form):

Parallels Desktop1.png

Some fonts have large file sizes as well. I find Myriad Pro to be an efficient file size.

Also an earlier version of LC Designer (I can't remember which version) added multiple copies of a StyleID line thousands of times, this caused the file size to increase. If you look in the XML Source tab you are looking for blocks of "<?templateDesigner StyleID aped3?>" or similar.

This was fixed in a service pack and certainly in LC Designer ES2. If your form is opened in the newer version it automatically gets rid of the extra lines of code. Again I am not sure which version this was corrected.

When changing images try unticking the Embed Image Data before changing the image and then re-tick it when you have linked to the new image.

Good luck,



Level 1

Thanks Niall,

  We had been embedding fonts but stopped due to the file size issues we'd seen.

We also did see the problem with the XML bloating from the version of Designer we had - and grabbed SP3 which did seem to fix it (until this last round of updates!).

I will try the 'Embed' trick that you mentioned, but even before I'd started playing with the images the file size doubled!




Former Community Member

Would need to see the file to figure out why the file size is doubling. If you want to pursue this send the XDP

version of the file to LiveCycle8@gmail.com. Make sure you zip it before sending otherwise it will be too big to send.



Level 1

Thanks Paul - I'm checking this thread from home, I'll be back at work in about 10 hours or so.

