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enter vs. ctrl enter


Level 3

I've noticed that in simplechat you must do a ctrl enter combination to get the same effect as clicking on the send key.  Pressing the enter key does not clear the text area.  Is there anyway to chage this default?

4 Replies


Former Community Member


I found it very weird that this behavior happens even though the function call on click and pressing enter remains the same. I did some tweaking and one thing you can do to let the click and enter behave in same way is to add a validate statement in the sendNewMessage() function of SimpleChat.

So, if you are linking to the source, you can add this line


after _newMessage.htmlText = ""; . This will make the behavior similar.



Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Again, thanks for the quick response.  I am using the flash 10 API.  Since there is not source for that yet.  I either have to wait until the source is out for it, or regress back to not using RTMFP, which I don't think I would want to do. 


Level 3

public function set protocol(pcol:String):void


            com.adobe.rtc.session.managers.SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices(session_internal::sessionManager).protocol = pcol;         


I added this line to AdobeHSAuthenticator.as

It seems to work now with the Flash 9 API and RTMFP


Former Community Member


I understand your problem. I will try to get the fix in the next drop of SDK.


Hironmay Basu