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Create many entries "automatically" for List Box


Former Community Member

Hello everyone,

I am encountering a problem when I want to create about 660 entries for a list box. Indeed I followed the instructions reported the topic " Using drop-down lists and list boxes" but the result expected does not happen.

When I copy and Paste, either everything goes into the caption box or only the first entry is taken and not the 659 others, which is, you will understand annoying. (Version

4 Replies


Former Community Member

I hope you understand what i am asking for. If not please let me know so that I can clarify. Thank you


Level 4

If you want to copy/paste a list of values for a drop down or list box, the best way to do it is:

1) copy the list (one item per line)

2) select the drop down/list box

3) Under Object Tab > Field Tab (next to the + - buttons that you use to manually add items) click the clipboard icon.


That should do it for you. Let me know if you have any trouble,

- Scott


Former Community Member

on my version I do not have the clipboard logo, but just the plus and minus signs as well as the arrows...

thank you though Scott.


Level 4

Sorry about that...

The only other way I know of is to edit the xml directly. Add a list box or drop down list to your form. Select the field, then click the XML Source tab (next to master pages tab. If it's not there, right click to the right of the preview tab in the gray area and check off XML Source).


Where it says <items save="1" /> you can manually add in items in the following format:

<items save="1">

     <text>Option 1</text>

     <text>Option 2</text>


you can paste all of your list items into column A in an excel sheet, then put the following formula into B1 and fill down for the length of your entire list:


copy all of column B for a list like:

<text>Option 1</text> 

<text>Option 2</text>

you can then directly paste that into the xml.

User beware, editing the XMl incorreclty can destroy your form. Always backup before you fiddle with xml.

- Scott

Edit: It may be easier to add one item to the list before opening the xml source. This will add the:

<items save="1">

     <text>your manually added value</text>


to the xml, allowing you to overwrite the "<text>your manually added value</text>" with your list from excel.