Hi there,
Just making sure I understand correctly - you're trying to get the output
from the Microphone, before publishing, like, say a sound bar? ConnectNow
(which uses the LCCS components) has this feature, so it should be able to
Are you calling Microphone.setLoopBack(true) in order to capture local
sound? Here's what I see in ConnectNow (some comments original, some mine) :
// _mm is the MicrophoneManager, and _comboBox has Microphone.names in it..
_mm.micIndex = _comboBox.selectedIndex;
// damned if I know why you need to check this
_mm.selectedMic.setLoopBack(true); //Loop back so we can see activity
_mm.selectedMic.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0); //Silence it!
// then, in a timer loop, we have this :
private function updateActivity(p_evt:TimerEvent):void
// inputMeter is some kinda fancy progressbar
inputMeter.setProgress((mm.selectedMic) ?
_mm.selectedMic.activityLevel : 0, 100 );
Hope that helps,