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audio quality of AFCS?


Former Community Member

Hi All,

Is anyone else finding that AFCS audio quality is fairly poor?

I'm based in the US and I tested the audio with

a) person in US

b) person in Europe

c) person in Asia

None of these people had a firewall.  They were using Adobe Flash 10.

For a, the sound quality was ok but latency large.

For b and c, the sound quality was poor... could not carry on a normal conversation.

Any one else encounter these issues.... is it an inherent problem with AFCS regarding one of the following?

1) because of audio codec that AFCS depends on in Adobe Flash

2) AFCS lack of ability to set up persistent p2p audio connection

3) AFCS inability to robustly traverse firewalls/NATs

I also had a problem having greater than 2 people in a room voice communicate at the same time... could not hear the 3rd person trying to talk

Appreciate learning from what others have experienced... if the audio quality is this poor, I have to find another solution


4 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi E,

"Quality" can mean a lot of things - are you saying that the audio is garbled or scrambled? Or are you experiencing drops, gaps, or latency?

Were you using RTMFP? In your AdobeHSAuthenticator, use protocol="rtmfp" to give it a whirl. We've found that in general, when using RTMFP and Speex, voice quality is quite good - this obviously depends on the connections of the participants.

For more details on RTMFP and P2P, see this post :


Hope that helps



Former Community Member

Thanks a ton Nigel... will investigate this further!


Former Community Member

No problem, but you didn't answer my questions - I'm genuinely curious =)



Former Community Member

drops, gaps, and latency... all 3... following up with our dev team on details