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Assing a Task For a Group


Level 3


we are using adobe livecycle ES2.5, and for the users we are using custom enterprise domain that uses java classes to read users and groups from our database to be synchronized to adobe's database,

everything is OK all our groups and users synchronized correctly and when any user belongs to a group logged in, he found the tasks assigned to the group under his tasks and he can claim such tasks.

The problem is, after we did a new and clean installation for the livecycle server and redeploy the lca and resynchronize the groups and users, the group which the user is belong is no more there and all assigned tasks to the group cannot be claimed, we cannot find them because we cannot see the groups, and if you take a look on the servers log you can not find anything wrong??

any help, any suggestions will be great

this is the log after synchronization of the users and the groups

-------Persistence Statistics-------
Users ->
added = 1
removed = 0
updated = 49
unchanged = 0
renamed = 0
failed = 0
UniqueId changed = 0
Groups ->
added = 0
removed = 0
updated = 13
unchanged = 0
failed = 0
UniqueId changed = 0
Emails ->
added = 0
removed = 0
unchanged (In changed Principals) = 0
Group Members ->
added = 1
removed = 0
unchanged = 19
unknown = 0
failed = 0
-------Batch Statistics-------
Successful User Batches = 1
Failed User Batches = 0
Successful Group Batches = 1
Failed Group Batches = 0
Successful Member Batches = 1
Failed Member Batches = 0

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